Sunday, June 26, 2011

minnie mouse cake

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  • jayleno
    12-15 11:59 AM
    Are you trying to create a problem or solve one? If I were from Sri Lanka, why would I send my wife to India? If we start following your advice, soon many husbands would be leading a single life for being laid off.

    Probably his problems are due to H 4 visa situation where as his 140 approved and got EAD.

    Option 1) Get work on EAD, send your wife back to India and get her on Follow To Join.

    Option 2) H1 transfer, she can stay. Apply labor/140 again and port the 140 priority date apply for 485, when date becomes current.

    But option 1 is far far better, even it needs little sacrifise from your spouse point of view.

    Or she can continue to stay by switching to F1 status.
    Thai is the best way.

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  • raj2007
    06-17 02:32 AM
    I am planning to apply for both Canadian Permanent Residency and US green card next month. Assuming that I get my Canadian Permanent Residency and US Greencard after two years, what options do I have to maintain the permanent resident status in both countries, so that I am eligible to apply for citizenship in both countries.

    Some say that showing proof of residence in both countries, commuting between the countries for work (Windsor-Canada and Detroit-US) and paying taxes in both countries would suffice.

    Please guide me on this.

    How can you ride on 2 horses?:)
    Canada needs 3yr PR for citizenship while US needs 5. I feel it wil be issue while border crossing. US is very strict and they may take GC away.Take canadian citizenship first and then apply here. Thay way you can have both.

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  • samswas
    09-28 03:43 PM

    I have filled I-485 in 2007, PD is June 2006, EB2. I went to India and came back using my AP on 07/16/2008. I was working for the same company when I came back. I have changed my employer in April, and haven't filled for AC21 yet.

    Can you please help me with following question?
    My Question is: Will it be Okay to travel using Advance Parole after changing employer and not filled AC21? If anyone traveled like this, Can you please let me know what documents do I need to take with me?

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  • kish006
    12-27 04:01 PM
    It took about 4 weeks. Do you have H1-B extension? If so, I would suggest to use that instead of waiting for AP. The AP has new date instead of old one. Good Luck in getting the AP sooner.

    IF your EAD and AP got approved with incorrect Photo. What actions ur lawyer is taking for her I-485 application. IF you 485 approved her card will come with different photo. so you lawyer suggested to you and what actions ur taking to prevent.

    Let me know as I am also in same boat.
    My lawyer is stupid guy he wont respond to me. he will only respond to my employer.


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  • InTheMoment
    07-12 01:36 AM
    Hang on mann! no need to jump to conclusions yet...

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  • drirshad
    04-19 07:13 PM
    Go to

    Got some updates as to whats going on behind the curtains ..

    Gear up & give sometime to fight against the anti-immg groups who have already started contacting the law makers & congressmen ......


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  • and Minnie Mouse cake.

  • gee_see
    10-18 10:57 PM
    LC Salary:- $85,000
    LC Location:- New York

    New Job Salary:- $74,000

    New job Title and Job duties are same.

    Is it advisable to invoke AC21 when new job salary is less than original LC salary but more than prevailing wage of new location.

    As per Aytes memo there should not be substantial salary difference. Has anyone invoked AC21 when new job salary is less than LC salary.

    I've consulted few immigration laywer and the opinion differs.

    Experts.... Please help

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  • glosrfc
    12-02 10:16 AM
    I've got a vote!!!

    And I was beginning to think I was Billy-No-Mates for a while.


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  • Minnie Mouse Cake | Flickr

  • kingkon_2000
    06-08 11:59 AM
    I entered the US as a student in Jan '99 and did a couple of trips on my F1 visa and since I got my H1-B approval notice in 2001, I never left until last December '07 and returned with a stamped H1-B visa.

    I would be "ok" if they asked for all returns since 2001 as that's when I actually started working and used the H1-B, but why is he asking for returns from 1999, I have no clue...

    That's why I mentioned it feels like he wants to deny my applicatoin. Can he deny it if I can't produce the returns for '99 and '00 even though I filed my returns and the IRS can't produce evidence that I did or didn't?

    I do have the W-2's from '99 and '00...

    Any ideas/help from senior members or someone that had a similar situation?

    If you have w-2's you just need to fill 1040NR-EZ and send it back to the requesting officer. I don't understand what is the problem in fill a form and signing it and sending in the copies of it... what difference does it make if it was filled in 1999 or 2008 as it will be the same thing.... if they have a problem ask them to verify it with IRS which I am sure they will not able to do as there is no way so they have to accept what you submit... just my $0.02.. ask your attorney about this...

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  • vin13
    09-30 08:03 AM
    :( I just got an RFE on my case...I had 2 soft LUD from past 2 days and now the status says "Request for additional evidence sent."

    I have used AC21 to change jobs but I am still on H1....Now i am worried.


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  • with Minnie Mouse.

  • lenbin
    07-06 12:17 PM
    @ gc wanna be
    it works perfectly especially if ur company is on good standings as u mentioned in ur post.
    PM me if u want info on similar cases, thats if u ddnt get CPO mail yet.

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  • drirshad
    04-20 02:59 AM

    Thursday, April 19, 2007
    Crystal ball gazing ........

    Everyone wants us to put on our genie�s hat, gaze into our crystal ball, and try to predict what is going to happen in the next few months. So here it goes �

    Congress is set to debate CIR in May. HLG thinks that there is a reasonable chance that one house of Congress passes CIR in the May/June time frame. And that the other house of Congress passes another CIR in June/July. With some negotiation, a compromise CIR bill could be on the president�s desk by the middle of the summer � say July.

    In addition, we are also actively courting the bridge legislation that we�ve mentioned many times. HLG was privy to a meeting that took place just this week with a senior staffer in an important Senator�s office. The challenge here is to find the right must-pass legislation that can serve as a host.

    Putting this all together HLG is slightly raising our latest estimate. We�re willing to print that there is a 60% chance that either CIR or Bridge legislation is passed and signed by the President by August 1. Whenever a bill is passed it will likley take an additional 30-60 days before the first visas are issued.


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  • panday
    11-21 09:44 AM
    HI everybody,
    I hope we get some response form this. One can only hope. Ihave done my part and lets hope others follow on our example.

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  • BPforGC
    08-11 05:44 PM
    Dear Friends

    One of the USCIS IO at NSC told me today that processing date of August 10 2007 for I-485 is nothing but a guess work. She said, in reality the processing date is far behind that. When I said I may have better luck predicting Power Ball numbers, she said that could be very much true than predicting what USCIS does.

    Remember, in 2004 then USCIS director along with Bush unveiled a grandose plan in which they said by 2006, they will reduce I-140 petition processing times (for that matter any petition processing time) to 180 days. Four years later, things have became worse. Did anyone take responsibility? No. They give excuses.

    For example, for my I-140 under EB2-NIW, NSC processing date shows February 27, 2007; and I filed in April 2007. But, I got approved. (no complaints). Technically, they shouldn't have picked up mine.

    My friend applied in June 2007 and his I-140 got approved in December 2007 when their online processing date shows November 2006. So, they processed a petition that was filed 11 months ahead of their processing time. Great....

    My colleague who shares office with me applied in October 2006 and still waiting to hear until today. Service requests did not do any good to him. Infopass is a pass. They all said he need to have patience... (lots of it).

    Many many instances like this. Online processing dates or what the customer service tells you doesn't mean a shit.

    The only thing that is good about online posting of processing dates is, we can file a service request which in many cases, after secondary request, tend to accelerate your case. You still need luck.

    How many of you hear "your case is with in normal processing time"... I have been waiting for 18 months for my I-140... what the hell in the world normal about it? Only USCIS seem to understand it.

    In the nutshell, its a funny and most idiotic agency and you cannot predict what it does. Do the same treatment to US Citizens, USCIS will be dragged into courts and torn apart in talk shows. Since we are non-citizens who are suffering, no body cares.

    See, quasi-citizens i.e., people applying for Naturalization have better luck because their local congressman will be making calls and putting fire under USCIS ass because these are potential voters in November. So, they have some leverage. But people who are waiting for green card are no good now... wait for 5 years after you get it, you may have luck in getting their attention.

    If you apply for 485, you get finger prints done. After a month, if you apply for EAD, you go again. What? Are your finger prints going to change every one month? What a waste of resources and time? USCIS do these kinds boneheaded things all the time.

    Only thing that will get you green card faster is "Luck".

    Good luck to all of us.


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  • leoindiano
    03-17 12:50 PM
    I agree, I wanted to take everybodys perspective on my guess. Also, 2004 is the only year which can be predictable, after that everything went haywire for EB2.

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  • minimalist
    08-13 02:15 PM
    Come on guys, give him a break.

    His analysis was accurate, if any of you came across the September 08 bulletin, EB2 advanced by two months. Which equates to what vldrao analyzed in the past, the use of 20,000 visas in September.

    We all IV members stand united and lets not adverse someone on the basis of his righteousness. Even if a IV member is wrong, let's all correct him.


    No malicious intent. All praise for VLDRao.


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  • Karthikthiru
    11-09 05:03 PM
    Just completed

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  • Ramba
    10-08 06:05 PM
    Absolutly No. H4 is a non-immigrant status where emplyment previlage is prohibited. If you want to use EAD or to accept any employment, you should be in a status that allows you to work legally. Therefore AOS is a status that allows you to work. One can have "dual intent"; however one can not have "dual status" at a same time. Therefore once you use EAD you automatically switch to AOS status from H4 status. EAD is a benefit to AOS status people not for H4.

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  • Minnie Mouse Birthday Cake

  • wandmaker
    11-05 09:10 PM
    You dont need to pay the fees, as it is USCIS mistake - Send the new application form with a cover letter, you can send it yourself.

    Now my Lawyer is advising me to include the old fees and a new application with a letter stating motion to refile seeking correction. He is insisting on us to send the fees ($350) again. Any suggestions? Can I send it directly to INS?

    09-11 05:21 PM
    You've worked hard for what you have! VERY HARD!!!! Remember the grueling exams and study back home to be the best and get to the U.S. Remember your sufferin, hard study and hard work once in the U.S. to be the best and contribute to this country!

    Don't let the Reverse Brain Drain suck you in!!!!

    04-14 10:00 AM
    My LC is still in process after auditing (EB2). My employer wants to 'drastically' cut back my salary due the national depression, which is particularly affecting the field my company is operating in (sub-primes). If he does that, and I accept it, is LC in jeopardy? We filed back in September 2007 with a certain salary and now it will be lower. Do we have to communicate the change to the DOL? And if yes, what will happen? Do we have to re-file? Thank you to everybody for all the info you can give me! Really!:(

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